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Executive Committee Q&A: Most-Valued Return on Investment as an INCPAS Member

Feb 9, 2022

What is currently your most-valued return on investment as an INCPAS member?

Barry K. Hall, CPA, CGMABarry K. Hall, CPA, CGMA
Kruggel Lawton CPAs

“My time on the board has given me a different perspective on what the Indiana CPA Society delivers in terms of value. Yes, they do provide quality CPE at a reasonable cost. Yes, the Society makes members aware of pipeline issues and other matters impacting our profession. However, the biggest return on value in my opinion is the Society’s advocacy for the profession. I have seen firsthand the way the staff follows legislation, knows when to engage in the conversation and when to just monitor, and the Society staff always successfully fights the numerous attacks on our licenses that invariably come every year. The profession, and we as members, all owe a lot of appreciation for their efforts. Most of these efforts are funded through our PAC. Please know that any contributions you make are well spent and much appreciated.”



Diane L. Sturek, CPA, MAccDiane L. Sturek, CPA, MAcc
INCPAS Chair-Elect
Indiana University Kelley School of Business

“The most valuable benefit of my INCPAS membership is the ability to connect with other CPAs and accounting educators in Indiana. I joined INCPAS in 2009 to attend the annual Educators Conference. In addition to CPE, it provides the perfect opportunity to connect with other accounting educators. The Society has recently developed the Educators Learning Network, which will enable accounting educators to connect in the same way practitioners help each other in the Open Forum. Connecting with practicing CPAs in Indiana through board service, legislator chats and CPE helps inform my teaching and bring current, real-world application back to the classroom. Finally, I enjoy keeping in contact with my former students and learning of their career successes when we connect through the Society.”



J_Gallion_1_croppedJeremy E. Gallion, CPA
INCPAS Vice Chair

“The most-valued return on investment of my membership is that the Society is able to do things for the profession others are unable to do on their own. For example, the Society is continually focused on protecting the profession through their advocacy efforts. Much of this work is done behind the scenes, so many CPAs never hear about this work, but it is being done on our behalf. Additionally, the Society is continually working to grow the pipeline of CPAs. During ‘CPA Week’ in November, the Society coordinated presentations in high schools to promote the CPA profession. These presentations were made to approximately 1,000 high school students during the week.”



Carrie B. Minnich, CPA, MacctCarrie B. Minnich, CPA, Macct
INCPAS Vice Chair
Dulin, Ward & DeWald, Inc.

“INCPAS provides a trusted network of professionals I know I can reach out to as resources. Whether it be discussing recruiting tactics with other firms in the Genesis Network or interpretations of standards with colleagues at the Not-for-Profit Conference, the Society provides opportunities for knowledge sharing which only enhances the profession. Not only am I able to benefit from others’ technical knowledge, but the personal relationships I have made have helped me grow in my career and expand my perspectives.”



Lisa D. Tressler, CPA Lisa D. Tressler, CPA
INCPAS Vice Chair
RBSK Partners PC

“My most valued return on investment from being an INCPAS member is my involvement with the network known as ‘Genesis.’ This group is made up of similar sized accounting firms that are geographically spread across the state. We meet several times a year to share best practices and common concerns. We have even made our practice specialty areas known to each other, and often are able to refer work to others in our network if a client has a need for a service line our firm doesn’t provide. The relationships and trust among these peer firms is amazing. ”

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