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Member Spotlight: Jerry White, CPA

Sep 1, 2018

Jerry White, CPA

Chief Operations Officer, Head of Schools - Culver Academies
INCPAS member

Jerry White, CPA

What keeps you up at night?

Most sleepless nights involve thoughts on balancing the budget and developing a financially sustainable model.


What made you decide to become a CPA?

I actually wanted to be an entrepreneur and computer programmer when I was a student at Anderson University. However, I knew the business skills I would learn through my accounting courses would open up multiple opportunities. Thankfully, I stayed on the CPA route and found a profession and industry that I love.


What advice would you give to someone just starting out in the profession?

I would encourage them to initially not limit themselves to one industry. Find an industry in which you have a passion and fully embrace its mission. It took me over ten years to find the industry I love (education).


What's the best thing you've read recently?

My favorite book is “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.” It has provided me practical advice on shaping and building my teams.


How do you unwind after a busy day at the office?

Culver Academies has a fantastic golf course. There is nothing better than walking nine holes and enjoying beautiful scenery to clear my mind.


How do you think the profession will be different in five years?

I see AI becoming more mainstream to allow for more informed business decisions. There are several applications in the education industry, such as receiving more precise forecasts of enrollment, financial aid and retention.


What’s your favorite app and why?

Does Candy Crush count? Seriously, I have become a fan of OneNote. It has allowed me to become more organized by keeping track of my to-dos, meeting agendas and notes.


What’s on your desk right now?

At the moment, my desk is full of dining food service vendor proposals and Board of Trustees prep work. I also have a Special Olympics 50th anniversary medallion I received while volunteering at the Summer Games this year.

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