As a CPA, there’s no way around it: what happens at the Statehouse impacts your work. Tax reform, licensure requirements and more all make their way into the legislative conversation, and your voice as an expert is needed to support the interests of the CPA profession.
Heading to the polls on Election Day is one way to have your voice counted, but there are other actions you can take to ensure your voice is heard.
That’s where the Indiana CPA-Political Action Committee comes into play.
What is a political action committee (PAC)?
A political action committee is any organization that collects and distributes money to political candidates that align with their interests and causes. PACs are a non-partisan voice razor-focused on key issues.
“As a CPA, there’s no way around it: what happens at the Statehouse impacts your work. Your voice as an expert is needed to support the interests of the CPA profession.”
What does the Indiana CPA-PAC do?
The Indiana CPA-PAC is the only political action committee in the state that represents the interests of Indiana CPAs and the CPA profession.
It has two primary goals:
- It helps us build and maintain critical relationships with people and entities within the Statehouse. These relationships help us be heard and trusted when we come to the table with a critical issue.
- It supports the campaigns of Indiana candidates who are aligned with the best interests of CPAs and the greater business community in Indiana, including those of your clients and organizations.
Who decides where Indiana CPA-PAC contributions go?
The PAC trustees lead fundraising efforts and work to determine how contributions will be distributed. This important group of appointed volunteers are Indiana CPAs, active PAC contributors and serve three-year terms.
Each year, trustees review and consider contributions to legislative campaigns and the House and Senate caucuses. Depending on the election year, they also might consider campaigns for statewide office, like comptroller or governor.
When prioritizing contributions, trustees look at legislators who have a key leadership role, are on track to hold a leadership position, as well as those who have previously supported INCPAS efforts and align with our advocacy initiatives.
Contribution amounts vary based on a number of factors, including:
- The candidate’s leadership position within the House and Senate.
- If the candidate has previously sponsored an INCPAS bill.
- If the candidate is a CPA running for a state-level position.
Trustees aim to give to both parties equally by the percentage of seats they represent.
How do I know what particular interests the Indiana CPA-PAC is supporting?
The PAC is just one part of INCPAS’ larger advocacy efforts. Annually, our advocacy team works with members to build our legislative agenda. This includes a list of issues we Lead, Engage and Monitor throughout the year. Learn more about what this process looks like here and review the 2024 legislative agenda topics here.
Why should I contribute to the Indiana CPA-PAC?
Too often it’s easy to take a backseat to what happens in our government. As a CPA, however, you’re in a unique position to make an impact on your colleagues, clients and communities.
“As Indiana CPAs, we are entrusted with a great responsibility to ensure that our legislators understand what matters to us, our clients and the various stakeholders of the profession,” says INCPAS member Caleb Bullock, CPA, CGMA, a current Indiana CPA-PAC Trustee.
"While it sounds like a cliche, it’s true: Every donation matters!...When more CPAs contribute, legislators take note."
While it sounds like a cliche, it’s true: Every donation matters! It might seem like $10 isn’t much, but as Bullock reminds, the number of contributors is just as important as the actual contribution amount. When more CPAs contribute, legislators take note.
Every year, INCPAS monitors hundreds of bills that could directly impact CPAs and the license. Relationships built by PAC and member efforts help us take action.
Over the past year alone, member contributions to the Indiana CPA-PAC and advocacy efforts have helped:
- Advance rulemaking to remove licensure and pipeline barriers for CPAs by changing the experience requirement for licensure from two years to one, allowing for CPE reciprocity, aligning Peer Review requirements, and permitting limited volunteer services for retired or inactive CPA licensees. Note: We are still in the process of rulemaking.
- Support Indiana Professional Licensing Agency’s efforts to improve services to licensees through personnel and technology upgrades.
- Save Indiana taxpayers millions of dollars by fast tracking and enacting a state pass-through entity tax while mitigating retroactive impact on CPAs in the middle of tax season.
- Weigh in on AICPA’s and NASBA’s task forces exploring alternative pathways to CPA licensure.
- Safeguard against ongoing threats to licensed professions.
How do I contribute?
Keep the profession moving forward in Indiana by making an online contribution today.
The easiest time to give? When you renew your INCPAS membership! Login to secure your membership benefits and contribute to the Indiana CPA-PAC to make sure your voice is heard on critical issues at the Statehouse and beyond.
Already renewed? You can set up a contribution in any amount on a monthly, quarterly, annual or one-time basis. Visit this form to get started.