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A Family Affair: INCPAS Scholars Become Role Models for Siblings – Hengly & Henglym

Feb 4, 2019
In addition to the Alvarez family (see full feature story), eight other families have participated in the Scholars program. We asked a few of those families about their experiences with the program.

Hengly & Henglym


The Scholars program gave me many networking opportunities and taught me a lot about scholarships. I was able to help my younger brother Henglym find a potential career path in accounting because of everything I learned from the program.

The best part about seeing Henglym go through the Scholars program is hearing his stories about each event when I come back home to visit. I am proud to see him work hard his senior year of high school and that he was accepted at Ball State University.


I wouldn’t have even known about the Scholars program if it wasn’t for my older brother Hengly. He has always helped guide me down the right path and shares amazing opportunities with me, like the INCPAS Scholars program.

It was exciting to see Hengly attend IU Bloomington. I was proud to see him reach his goal of attending the Kelley School of Business. I strive to follow in his footsteps and achieve, if not surpass, the goals he has set.

Heng Sok You, Hengly & Henglym's Father

The INCPAS Scholars program has given both of my sons a clear direction for their college plans and future careers. They both have learned so much from the program: lessons and tips from experienced CPA mentors, communication skills and how to be prepared as a professional.

When he was a junior in high school, Henglym did not know what he wanted to study in college. After his older brother completed the Scholars program and went to IU Bloomington as an accounting major in the Kelley School of Business, Henglym became interested in accounting. Hengly was a great role model.


INCPAS Scholars is an award-winning, free program that encourages students to consider becoming a CPA. The only program of its kind, INCPAS Scholars introduces students to the profession by pairing them with practicing CPAs, touring CPA firms and businesses that employ CPAs, and participating in events to immerse them in the profession. Support the Scholars.

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