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Day in the Life of a CPA: Derek James, CPA

Nov 8, 2021

Lemler Group, LLC

Derek James, CPA4:30 A.M.: Wake up. I often hit snooze at least once. I get up early so I can start my day with a workout. Today I did a ride on the Peloton with one of my favorite instructors, followed by a quick lift. I do not drink caffeine, so my morning workout gives me the energy I need to attack the day. 

5:30 A.M.: Breakfast is one of my favorite meals of the day. Today I made a fruit smoothie with a side of eggs. Simple, but always hits the spot. I like to stay up-to-date on world news and events, so I will typically have the TV on in the background while I eat breakfast.

6:30 A.M.: Leave home for the office. I have a 25-minute drive to work so I like to use the time to relax and focus on what I want to accomplish for the day. We have been back in the office since June 2020. Employees have the option to work from home, but everyone has been working in the office. I am most productive in the office because I can easily engage and collaborate with team members. We take precautions in the office by wearing masks when working one-on-one and in group settings.

A.M.: Arrive to work and get settled in for the day. The first thing I do is get caught up on emails and make a list of the most important tasks I need to accomplish for the day.

9 A.M.: Meet with the entire office in our conference room. We have a daily 9 a.m. meeting where each team member gets an opportunity to discuss their top three priorities for the day. This allows everyone to see what others are working on and spot opportunities to help if there are openings in their schedule.
I enjoy answering questions and taking the opportunity to help others learn and grow. Helping others brings opportunities for me to learn and grow as well.

9:30 A.M.: Meet with a teammate to answer questions on a current audit we are working on. I enjoy answering questions and taking the opportunity to help others learn and grow. Helping others brings opportunities for me to learn and grow as well.

10 A.M.: Time to review workpapers from an audit we have been working on. Finishing my review and drafting the financial statements is my top priority for the day. We have a draft deadline by the end of the week.

11:30 A.M.: Lunch time. I usually try and bring my lunch to work, which helps save time and money. It also helps create some extra room in the fridge at home.

1 P.M.: Zoom meeting with a client to go over their draft financial statements. Since COVID has limited on-site visits, we have been using Zoom to have face-to-face interaction with clients. Communicating over Zoom is not ideal, but it gives us an opportunity to add a personal touch to the audit process.

P.M.: Meet with a teammate about a project to improve our audit process. After every busy season our team meets to discuss opportunities to improve, and this project arose from that meeting. As smooth as things seem to be working, there are always areas for growth and improvement.
I find that when you approach others first, they will often have questions they were not ready to ask. Initiating the conversation takes the burden off them and allows for an easier discussion.

P.M.: Check in with teammates to see how the day has gone. I ask if they have any questions or need help with any tasks. I find that when you approach others first, they will often have questions they were not ready to ask. Initiating the conversation takes the burden off them and allows for an easier discussion.

P.M.: Leave the office to pick up my daughter Reagan from daycare. My wife is a teacher and due to our schedules, she drops off in the morning and I pick up at the end of the day. It is nice to be able to spend some one-on-one time with Reagan before her mother gets home. It puts life into perspective and is a reminder of what we do it all for.

5:30 P.M.: Go for a walk as a family. It is a good time for my wife and I to catch up on the day. My daughter loves the walks and says “doggie” to every dog that barks.

6:30 P.M.: Time for my daughter to eat dinner and go to bed. My wife and I split nights putting her to bed. Tonight, we read “Goodnight Moon,” twice.
P.M.: Read a chapter in “Change Your World” by John Maxwell, which is the book we are currently reading at work. We have a weekly book study where we get together and discuss the chapter for the week. It is enlightening to discuss the chapter and gain insights. I often learn something new or see a different perspective on the same topic.

P.M.: My wife and I sit down for dinner. We recently moved; our new table is on back order for three months so tonight we eat dinner on the couch and watch an episode of “Outer Banks” on Netflix.

9:30 P.M.: Time for bed. I reflect on the positives and negatives from the day. After another full day it is easy to fall asleep to recharge for tomorrow’s opportunities.

About Me

NAME: Derek James, CPA


Lemler Group, LLC

Nine professionals

I am responsible for leading audits of affordable housing properties (HUD, RD, LIHTC) and non-profit organizations. The most rewarding part of my day is positively impacting my teammates and clients.

Auditor at Blue and Co.

Marian University

Leadership Cabinet Alumnus, Integrated Reporting Committee

When I'm Not at Work

James Family photoFAMILY: Wife Samantha (love of my life), daughter Reagan Mae, and baby #2 due Thanksgiving 2021

Two dogs, Harley and Heineken

HOBBIES: Spending time with family and friends, golf, Peloton, fan of several sports teams (Colts, Pacers, Cincinnati Reds, Liverpool FC)

OTHER MEMBERSHIPS/COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Board member for the Flashes Football Foundation

Advice for Students Considering the Profession

Being a CPA opens the door to a world of opportunities. Find a company culture that fits who you are and never turn down an opportunity to do what makes you happy.

Best Advice You've Ever Received

“What you give is yours, what you don’t is lost forever.”

Do you think a day in your life would make a good addition to our series? Contact Katie Kirkton at to find out how you can share your story.

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