The other day my son and I went to dinner and were talking about his favorite high school classes. He said he enjoys his algebra and physics classes. I asked what he liked about them and he said they’re different every day. Sometimes they take notes, other times they work in groups and his favorite classroom style are labs.
The good son that he is, he asked me what my favorite classes in school had been. I mentioned journalism and English in high school and art history in college. I shared that I loved lecture classes. I enjoyed taking notes and using highlighters to mark important passages in my textbooks. I’ve never liked group work. To this day, when I’m at a conference, I cringe when the speaker has us break into groups.
That’s the thing about learning preferences. There are so many ways to learn and everyone is different. My son and I are both textbook introverts, but our learning preferences couldn’t be more different.
For the last 50 years CPAs have had a very specific requirement for a number of hours of education to maintain their license. The Indiana CPA Society has offered traditional learning methods such as conferences and seminars for CPAs to fulfill those requirements. We contribute knowledge and information to the profession, but there’s always room for enhanced offerings.
That’s why the Society has worked to improve that model by making innovative changes to learning options. We provide value to members by helping them find the information they need, when they need it and how they want it.
Read on to learn about our offerings, many of them new, that match your learning preferences.

Extroverts learn best by talking and physically engaging the environment. Talking helps their thoughts to form and become clear.
NEW Breakfast & Lunch CPE Series. Our new breakfast and lunch CPE series hone in on customized content to help you move your career forward. These CPE events are held in a casual setting and designed to help you excel in your career.
See CPE Series.
NEW Young Pros Events. Staying up-to-date on trending topics and building your network are two of the best things you can do for your career. Our Young Pros CPE and free networking events are designed to help you advance your career.
See Young Pros Events.

Introverts learn best through quiet, mental reflection. Their attention will naturally flow inward to their own thoughts, ideas and impressions.
CPA Excellence Online Interactive Courses. The flexible online format of CPA Excellence courses make them ideal to work into your schedule. Choose from courses in leadership and communications that each count for a 2-hour waiver, or Ethics courses that fulfill the Indiana ethics requirement.
See CPA Excellence courses.
NEW Live Simulcasts. Easily our most popular new offering this year are our CPE seminars offered online via live simulcast. Search "Simulcasts" at

Feeling type learners look for a personal connection, seeking to relate ideas and concepts to personal experiences. They enjoy working in groups as long as individual relationships develop.
FREE CPA Conversations. Get to know INCPAS President & CEO Jennifer Briggs, CAE, and other INCPAS members in this informal, small-group setting. Jennifer will share an overview of current issues, your expanding role in business, what the future looks like for the profession, and Society news and events.
See CPA Conversations details.
Case Studies. Did you know you remember more of what you learn by doing hands-on exercises? INCPAS has added more case studies throughout the year for you to enhance your knowledge and long-term learning. Search “Case Study” at

Perceiving type learners are spontaneous and don’t like to be boxed in by deadlines or plans. They prefer to stay open to new information and last-minute options.
FREE In the Know Webinars. These webinars are added throughout the year in response to emerging trends and issues impacting the CPA profession. Earn at least 8 hours of free CPE each year and stay up-todate on hot topics.
See In the Know webinars.
Blended Learning. The perfect learning environment for those who like to have a variety of learning formats. Our blended learning offerings include a combination of virtual and live events.
See Blended Learning options.
An INCPAS Learning Concierge can help identify the courses that make the most sense for your career goals and learning style. Answer a few questions about your experience, interests and goals, and a Learning Concierge will guide you to relevant learning opportunities. It’s a free service for members.

Our recommendations are based on several factors:
- Public accounting or industry
- Experience level
- Personal needs for tax, A&A, specialty technical topics (Yellow Book, NFP, revenue recognition, leases, etc.) or personal development courses (management, communication, presentation, HR, etc.)
- Preferred learning format (live seminar, conference, webinar, COE courses, networking opportunities, etc.)
Get your personalized learning recommendations. Fill out the online form or call us at (317) 726-5000.